Targeted Advertising

Every day, people spend time on social media — 4.48 billion individuals access social platforms. The numbers are impressive, and the penetration of social media is astonishing. Interestingly, social platforms are also making their way into the workplace. In fact, 4 out of 10 internet users worldwide utilize social media for professional purposes. This is where we come in — with targeted advertising on social media for even greater benefits. 

Currently, advertising on social media is a necessity, and its setup can become your jackpot. Paid social advertising can change the game for many companies. Businesses use paid targeted advertising on Instagram or Facebook because organic reach is challenging in the current online landscape.

If you want to achieve the best results, maximize your advertising investments, and have people hear your brand’s voice on social media, then you need targeted advertising.

Why should you order targeted advertising from Namba Media?

Using targeted advertising on Facebook or Instagram is undoubtedly the right path. However, your ads may get lost in the vast sea of daily information. Moreover, there is strong competition in the market.

To stand out among competitors and attract your target audience, you need well-crafted, professional targeted advertising.

Our advantages:

  • Tactics and Strategy

We always define and set the necessary goals for your business. Precise goal-setting at the beginning of the advertising campaign will ensure you get the desired results.

  • Accurate Targeting

Our specialists know how to identify users’ interests, location, demographic parameters, and other important information. Such data helps us find the right audience for your business. Accurate targeting will not only boost sales but also reduce overall expenses and pay-per-click costs.

  • Budget Optimization

We know how to make the best use of your budget to achieve optimal results. With enough experience, we can build an effective advertising strategy. Our experts know how to consolidate advertising budgets to gather as much data as possible. This, in turn, leads to savings in both finances and time.

  • Technologies, Experience, and Service

We employ cutting-edge methods formulated based on the Facebook database and years of experience in digital marketing. From us, you get real-time support, extended access to new features, and technical assistance.

  • Creative Resources and Design Team

Why does creativity matter? You might have the best advertising strategy and targeting in the world, but if your ad creative (images in ad campaigns) doesn’t resonate with people, your ads won’t work. Your ads should not only be original and attractive but also address the problems of users. They should speak to your target audience, match their interests, and help them solve their challenges. Only then can your creative overcome common doubts and persuade people to make a purchase.

At Namba Media, you get an entire team of designers who will ensure that your ad campaigns are relevant, diverse, and motivating for purchases. A robust creative strategy not only looks good and captures potential customers’ attention but also enhances the effectiveness of the advertising campaign according to Facebook or Instagram algorithms.

We know what we’re doing, and our track record of achievements proves it. By managing social media advertising, we demonstrate to our clients that it works for their business. As a premium-class partner agency, we’ll help you achieve your business goals.

It’s worth noting that to launch targeted advertising, you don’t necessarily need to have a presence on social media. However, its presence and quality influence brand trust. Therefore, we recommend reading about “SMM Promotion“.

How is targeted advertising set up in our agency?

Our methodology for targeted advertising on Facebook or Instagram is built on three key stages:

  • Testing

We are obsessed with finding the right solutions for your business goals. Therefore, before we start, we always conduct a series of tests to determine the effectiveness of targeted advertising.

Through our tests, we provide you with reliable data needed to see whether the Facebook Ads platform contributes to increased sales or brand popularity. Often, Facebook is an excellent marketing tool for businesses. We’ll review your existing ad account, provide an assessment, and suggest improvements succinctly. We’ll be honest with you if we find that your account isn’t suitable for targeted advertising.

We don’t deplete budgets to zero because we understand how marketing works and how to successfully promote businesses on social platforms. Therefore, we’ll always let you know when it’s time to stop. Our main priority is our clients and what aligns with the interests of their business.

  • Analysis

We monitor advertising metrics. We work with Ads Manager and Page Insights reporting tools to ensure that the metrics are truly significant. Specialists analyze data that should contribute to the growth of your company and align with business results. With constant monitoring and up-to-date figures, we are always ahead and aware of everything.

  • Setup

Frankly, our favorite stage in the advertising methodology is when we set up your Facebook Ad account to work for you and bring benefits.

Through split testing, conversion growth, or brand promotion, and incorporating offline sales data, we enhance advertising effectiveness by determining which creative works best, which audience responds best to messages, and how to sell your product effectively.

If you are interested in another type of advertising, we recommend reading about “Contextual Advertising“.