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Top 5 types of content for increasing sales

The power of content in driving sales is significant. It can significantly boost trust in your brand, attract new consumers, and foster loyalty. However, in the current landscape, there are …

Обложка для статьи "кто такой таргетолог?"

Who is a targetologist?

What is targeted advertising? Who needs targeting? How does Facebook learn about our interests? We caught our targetologist and made them answer all these questions. See what came out of …

Обложка для статьи "Почему в 2022 году надо уходить от продающего контента?"

Why should you move away from salesy content in 2023?

Let’s fantasize and reason. For example, you sell pasta. And you really want to sell them. As much as possible. So, every post of yours somehow calls for a purchase. …

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Who is a graphic designer?

Today, we have 5 questions for the graphic designer. What does he/she do? How to become a graphic designer? Is it necessary to know how to draw, etc.? All these …

5 способов как оживить и сохранить продажи

Dead Season? 5 Ways to Revive and Maintain Sales After the Holiday Peak

Every year, something dreadful happens to most e-commerce websites. After the surge of holiday sales, around the beginning of January, everything starts to decline. To make matters worse, people begin …

Кто такой аккаунт менеджер?

Who is an Account Manager?

The profession of an Account Manager – who is it and what does he/she do? What are their tasks and responsibilities? What are the advantages of account management Today, we …

5 маркетинговых советов. Как увеличить проджи

How to Increase Sales? 5 Marketing Tips for the Holidays

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Super Saturday—these are the classic holiday seasons. Add to that the traditional increase in consumer spending leading up to the holidays, and you have the recipe …

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Agency vs Freelancer. Whom to choose?

We often receive inquiries from clients in various fields with a wide range of tasks. Some may require a programmer, others a designer, and some may need a copywriter, and …

Обложка для стать "Как угодить клиенту?"

How to please a customer?

The market has a lot to offer. And in most niches there is a lot of competition. Therefore, your audience always has a choice. In such a situation, even the …