About the project

Your Sun is the official representative of a Japanese diaper brand in Kyrgyzstan.

Issue: the company has recently entered the market and does not have an established customer base from social media platforms.

Work period: from September 13, 2022, to November 13, 2022.


  • Introduce an unknown product to the market of Kyrgyzstan.
  • Familiarize the audience with the brand and its products..
  • Establish marketing presence on social media platforms.

Preparation and Strategy

At the initial stage, before writing the marketing strategy, we completed the following tasks:

  • Researched the niche and gathered all project-specific features.
  • Analyzed advertising campaigns of competitors (offers, funnels, advertisements).
  • Analyzed the content of competitors (content marketing mechanics and strategies).
  • Studied the local and international market.
  • Created a target audience profile.
  • Outlined the marketing strategy for social media promotion.

Next, we selected the optimal marketing channels for promoting the product:

  • SMM (Social Media Marketing).
  • Targeted advertising.
  • Event marketing.
  • Influence marketing.

Let’s break down each channel separately and provide a more detailed explanation.

Event marketing

Let’s start with the most exciting one. To increase brand awareness, attract a new audience, and expand social media reach, we organized a festive event called “Dad Can Do It All!” at Dordoi Plaza shopping mall.

The goals of the “Dad Can Do It All!” event were as follows:

  • Introduce the audience to the new product in the Kyrgyzstan market and educate them about the YourSun brand.
  • Increase brand and product recognition.
  • Expand social media reach.
  • Enhance audience loyalty.
  • Boost sales volume.

To promote the event, we engaged the following partners:

  • Dordoi Plaza Shopping Mall.
  • “MAMALAK” Park Network.
  • “Cinematica” Cinema.
  • “Neo_kg” Toys.

For organizing the event, we invited:

  • Representative of the YourSun brand.
  • Host: Erkin Usenbaev.
  • Pop singer: Aydana Deka.
  • Pop singer: Ilyaz Andash.
  • Entertainers/animators.
  • Photographer, videographer, mobileographer.

To attract the audience, we utilized targeted advertising and conducted giveaways on social media platforms. The event took place on November 12 and lasted for 2.5 hours. The number of people attending the event exceeded 150 individuals.

The event program included multiple stages, and audience engagement was built on interactive games, interactions, contests, quizzes, and more. Here is a step-by-step overview of how the event unfolded:

  1. Opening speech: The event commenced with a welcoming address. Product and brand introduction: The YourSun brand representative informed the audience about the new product, providing a detailed description of its features and high-quality characteristics.
  2. Testimonials and recommendations from pop singer Aydana Deka: Aydana Deka shared her feedback and recommendations regarding the product, emphasizing its positive attributes.
  3. Performances by Aydana Deka and Ilyaz Andash: The renowned pop artists delivered captivating performances, showcasing their talent and entertaining the audience.
  4. Soap bubble show program: An engaging program featuring large and small bubbles, interaction with children, games, flash mobs, and a disco.
  5. Kahoot quiz: An online quiz using the Kahoot platform, with questions related to diapers and the YourSun brand. The platform automatically calculated the correct answers and awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
  6. Award ceremony: The winners received gifts from YourSun and certificates from partners such as Cinematica cinema and MAMALAK park network.
  7. Selection of 10 contestants from the audience: A three-stage elimination contest was conducted among the selected participants.
  8. Balloon show program: An interactive program involving 800 balloons, featuring games with children and parents, flash mobs, and a disco. Animators distributed gifts to the most active participants and dancers.
  9. Prize announcement by the brand representative and brand ambassador: The winners of the “Dad Can Do It All!” contest were awarded certificates for six, nine months, and one year’s supply of diapers.
  10. Group photo of the winners on stage.
  11. Conclusion of the event: The event concluded with closing remarks and farewell.

In our work, we used our own prizes as well as prizes from our partners:

  • 3 certificates for the main contest.
  • 10 branded gift boxes.
  • 20 branded gift bags.
  • 2 certificates for two people at Cinematica cinema.
  • 2 certificates for Mamalak park network.
  • Soft toys from Neo.kg.
  • YourSun diapers.

The work done (7 days including preparation) as part of Event Marketing helped us achieve the following results:

  • Large audience reach: 501,000.
  • Story views: 15,000.
  • Interactions: 4,317.
  • Account mentions on the day of the event: 70.
  • New follower acquisition: 388.
  • Increased brand awareness for Your Sun.
  • Numerous positive reviews.
  • Increased interest in the product: We received many inquiries for wholesale and retail purchases after the event.
  • Mentions from bloggers.
  • Gathered a database of new photos and videos that can be used for content marketing.
  • Over 150 people attended the event.

Influence Marketing

To promote the event “Dad Can Do It All!” and our brand, we engaged the following major influencers:

  • Host: Erkin Usenbaev
  • Pop Singer: Aydana Deka
  • Pop Singer: Ilyaz Andash

To promote the brand throughout the entire campaign, we engaged 10 influencers with audiences ranging from 8,000 to 898,000 followers. Through this collaboration, we obtained 9 story mentions, reached 1,578 accounts, experienced significant growth in new followers (+700 to date), and received authentic reviews. All the influencers received gift boxes as a token of appreciation.

The list of bloggers included:

  • aisalkyn_sadykova – 898 k
  • nuraika_8 – 132 k
  • zamirbekiva_z – 191 k
  • naristesh – 168 k
  • jaza_12 – 171 k
  • jazgul_abylbekova – 55,2 k
  • meerimyrysova – 7,9 k
  • peridoll – 116 k
  • diana_amanatkyzy – 11 k
  • nurs_sultan_ – 64,8 k
  • aigerim_bayalieva – 42,4 k

As part of Influence Marketing, we also collaborated with public communities where we placed promotional posts and stories featuring Your Sun products. We selected 7 communities for advertising, with their number of subscribers ranging from 15.4k to 491k.

Here is the list of public communities:

  • uibuloo_syrlary – 15,4 k
  • klub__zabotlivyh_mam – 340 k
  • aiymdar.reseptter – 73,5 k
  • mamochki_blog_kg – 119 k
  • aiym_syry.kg – 491 k
  • aiymdar.ledy – 204 k
  • kelinki_kg – 333 k


Within the framework of social media marketing and the approved KPIs, we have accomplished the following tasks in 2 months:

  • We developed a design and unified visual identity.
  • We created 40 posts and 77 stories for Facebook and Instagram.
  • We conducted 4 photoshoots.
  • We organized giveaways and contests on social media.
  • We launched 4 advertising campaigns.
  • We outlined scripts for engaging with the audience.
  • We collaborated with bloggers and purchased advertisements in public groups.
  • We enhanced the brand’s reputation and recognition.

Our activities on Facebook and Instagram platforms resulted in reach of 642,607 and 582,722 viewers, respectively. We experienced growth in live followers and active engagement. Additionally, we identified the top 3 posts that reached an average of 2,000 accounts on Instagram and 150 accounts on Facebook.

Over the course of 2 months, we achieved the following results:

результаты работ по СММ

As part of social media marketing, we launched targeted advertising campaigns, which resulted in a total of 3,603,330 impressions, reaching a target audience of 651,774, and generating 12,632 clicks to the website. We had a total of 3 targeted social media posts. Additionally, our marketing efforts included Google advertising. The search network advertising yielded a total of 1,467,257 impressions and 3,166 clicks to the website.

The promotion strategy for the next period includes:

  • Active coverage of themed holidays.
  • Conducting various contests and giveaways to attract subscribers.
  • Advertising activities.
  • Maintaining the trend of launching animated videos.
  • Conducting interactive activities in Stories.
  • Organizing live photoshoots.
  • Building brand trust.